Monday, January 20, 2014

Going back to the kids section...

People often disregard children or young adult fiction after reaching a "mature reading level", but sometimes the best books are found in the kids section. For our book club we read Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine and despite, or perhaps because of, the youthful audience it was written for Ella Enchanted was a phenomenal read.  It is the kind of book that draws you in immediately, you know right before bed when you are only going to read a couple chapters, and keeps your interest until two in the morning when you finally reach the ending. 

As I read Ella Enchanted I could tell why the other members of my book club had fallen in love with the book as children.  In this Cinderella spinoff, Ella is a more relatable character to me because of her headstrong and obstinate ways.  She grew up constantly having to fight to do anything she wanted when others told her differently and, despite her "gift", she manages to take back control of her future.

There are so many things to love about this book- here are some of my favorites:
There was magic- fairy magic
There was adventure- can you say ogres, gnomes, AND Giants?
There was drama- a death, evil step sisters, a distant father, an unwanted gift, and a feisty heroine
There was a cute love story - Prince Charming and all
So next time you aren't sure what book to pick up next, ask a fifth grader. :) 

Photo credit to Mia Klaus-she da best

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