Monday, October 20, 2014

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

Fall.  A time of transition.  When the oranging of the leaves signals the end of warm summer months filled with late evenings on the porch. When we welcome the slight chill in the air as an excuse to wear cozy plaid scarves and knee high boots.  When Summer Shandy transitions to Oktoberfest and lemonade to hot apple cider.

It seems a fitting that during this season, my entire life, has changed. I am married. (say whaaat?) I am moving.  I will be starting a new job.  I will not, as I have for the last two winters, be playing hockey every Sunday. (but I will be joining them occasionally)  I visited a country I never thought I would want to see, and enjoyed it immensely. My best friend moved to Seattle. I have already met new friends in my-soon-to be home.

Life refuses to stand still, no matter the perfectness of any moment.


Photos by myself and Mia Klaus.

1 comment:

  1. <3 you! I'm sad I won't be there to help you move or to explore Fargo, but I'm super thrilled that you have started to create a community that will support you as you transition!

