Monday, July 14, 2014

10 Secrets

This challenge has been floating around everywhere I look lately, so I thought I would jump on board and share some potentially interesting facts about me.

The first challenge is to list 10 secrets.  Honestly I am not sure if I can come up with 10 secrets that are truely secret.  I am awful at keeping secrets! So, the following are my mostly secret, secrets.

1. My dad and I email because we both hate talking on the phone.  Sometimes, ok most of the time, I make my fiance call to order pizza or chinese because I hate talking on the phone so much.

2. While I like running with a buddy, they have to be ok with silence(or they can bring their Ipod).  I can only talk when running for about half a mile and then I tend to zone out and get lost in my thoughts.  Running is really when I think through a lot of things. 

3. Having kids isn't even on my radar.  I keep hearing that I will change my mind, but we will see.  So far babies and I don't mix.

4. I seriously wish I had studied abroad in college.  It seemed so expensive but it would have been THE COOLEST THING. So now I wait until we can take a trip there.  Top places to see- Prague, Istanbul, Budapest, Rome, All of Scotland, and Southern France.

5. I want a German Shepherd puppy SO MUCH, but wont get one until we have a house with a yard for him/her to run in.  I think it is cruel to have a dog couped up in an apartment all the time.

6. I have a love/hate relationship with running that is about 80 percent hate.  I like how I feel after and I like beating my previous distance or pace, but usually I dislike the actual run.

7. Growing up I was a tomboy.  Except for when my mom and I would have tea parties and make mini "cakes" out of ritz crackers and frosting. Classy.

8. I currently have an obsession with Orange is the New Black and Weeds. 

9. Darrin and I were so nervous around each other the first week we met that I had a constant blush and he barely spoke.

10. I like cats. And Star Wars. And naming cats after movie characters.

Meet Princess Leia (Star Wars)

Meet Toothless (How to Train your Dragon)

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