Monday, February 10, 2014

Pescetarian- the Cons

Sometimes a girl just really wants a piece of bacon...or 20.

Or a real cheese burger, instead of the soy, tofu, black bean not greasy kind. **Which are delicious- but not the same**

Also it is rare to find a restaurant that offers a vegetarian option besides a garden salad, alfredo, or a grilled cheese.  Garden salad usually means you get all the lettuce and maybe a piece of tomato- boring. This is the definition of a Grand Forks problem.
One of the most difficult aspects of being a pescetarian is travel.  I can't get an actual meal at most fast food places or gas stations- a poptart doesn't really cut it for me- sorry guys.  In the future I am dreading any in flight meal option. Massively dreading... Sneaking food on the plane kinds of dreading. Then there is the potential language barrier that will render my previous method of choosing meals in a different country useless.  Gone are the days of simply pointing at the special and hoping it was edible...

But seriously the thing I miss the most is The Parrot's Cay and their delicious but super awful for you wings with shark sauce in the 7 to 10 range. 

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